Thursday, April 21, 2016

purple rain

It is 10:38pm.

Tomorrow is my birthday.

I will be 33 years old.

I don't know how old I feel....I feel like after this past year part of me is ancient....but there has always been the other naive and immature part of me that will probably never grow up.

But either way....I don't think tomorrow is going to be anything more than an emotional day for me.

It will be another important day without Elijah...

I think tomorrow...since the kids are out of school...we are going to go on a hike...this way I can do something I love and feel like all of my boys are with me...even Elijah.

It will be hike #2 for my 98 hikes for Elijah

Then Sunday me and Levi are actually going to have a date night and I am so excited because we are going to see Garrison Keiler and the Prairie Home Companion Live!!!

I got orchestra seats and everything :D
(thanks to my awesome momma).

Anyways. It will be a nice evening out I hope.

I think we have a babysitter lined up if all goes according to I just have to get Levi something nice to wear since he has lost so much weight since the last time we had to dress up.

And I have to dig a dress our of storage.

I am almost done getting eveything out of storage and into the studio.

Now my studio looks like a storage unit exploded in it, but it is getting there.

I desperately need shelving so I may go to Ikea next week...

I just have to keep myself from going crazy in there lol...

Still no responses from any of the businesses we have sent letters to and donations have slowed down a that is kind of worrisome...

But the awesome thing is people have been donating items off our Amazon wish list which is a Huge help!!!

I don't know which items yet lol...but every little bit helps.

Anyways.... I still have some work to do tonight and I am already I guess I should wrap my blog up.

For my birthday...I just want you guys to pray for The Love, Elijah Project. Pray that all this time and effort ( and money) I am investing into this project will make Elijah proud. And do something kind for someone tomorrow and tell me about it.

Because unless you can bring Elijah back, but me a house or a trip to the grand canyon, I have everything I need...

Thanks for reading. Goodnight.

Elijah. I don't know if you ever heard Prince or not... I know I played all kinds of music around you and I feel like music connects us. Buy I honestly dont know every song or artist that I played while you were alive.

Today Prince joined you in Heaven.

Maybe the angels could sing "Purple Rain" to you... That was the first song your dad and I ever danced to.

I hope you get to meet him. He is such an amazing and talented man. I loved that he was never afraid to be different. He was always himself, and if he hadn't been...I don't think he would have touched so many people's lives.

Well..kiddo tomorrow is my birthday. 
I wish you were here for It so I could sneak you some icing of my cake...and some bites of ice cream...

I miss you so much.

I love you my boogie.

RIP Prince.

Goodnight world.
